Thursday, March 24, 2011

15 Healthy Foods

·         It is filling and loaded with calcium, potassium, and vitamin B.
·         Careful, because some yogurts may have a lot of sugar. Be sure to read the labels.
Wild Salmon
·         Mercury levels are relatively low in salmon.
·         Offers protein for few calories.
·         Contains Omega-3’s which can help maintain a healthy heart.
Egg Whites
·         Contains 70-80 calories.
·         Take out the yolk because it has cholesterol.
Leafy Greens
·         May help lower the risk of cancer.
·         Leafy greens are loaded with iron and vitamin K.
·         Contain antioxidants and is an anti-inflammatory.
·         Aim for ½ cup a day.
·         Help reduce bad cholesterol.
Black Beans
·         They are high in fiber and contain calcium, iron and folic acid.
·         Apples are packed with fiber.
·         May help reduce the risk of heart disease.
·         Contain an antioxidant lycopene that may help prevent some cancers.
Orange Juice
·         Contains potassium and vitamin C.
·         May help increase your good cholesterol.
Sweet Potatoes
·         Helps you have healthier skin because protects against the sun.
Wheat Germ
·         Contains magnesium which helps keep your bones healthy.
·         It also has iron, calcium, potassium and even zinc.
·         May help blood flow and reduce the levels of bad cholesterol.
Hot peppers
·         Contain vitamin C.
·         May help you reduce weight.
·         Contains fiber, which may help lower bad cholesterol.
·         Provides vitamin E, magnesium and iron.

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